
LEGO Facts


  LEGOの日めくりカレンダーの毎月5日に書いてある `LEGO Facts' のリスト

Children around the world spend 5 billion hours every year playing with LEGO bricks


400 million children and adults have played with LEGO bricks at some time or another


There are 102.981.500 different ways of combining six 8-stud bricks of the same colour

  同色の8ポッチブロック6個でできる組み合わせは102.981.500通り (April)

349 billion LEGO elements have been moulded since 1949

  1949年から349億個のレゴパーツが成型されている (May)

Every 7 seconds a LEGO set is sold somewhere in the world

  7秒毎に世界のどこかでレゴ製品が貰われている (June)

On average every person on planet earth has 52 LEGO bricks


In 2000 the LEGO Company manufactured 306 million tyres making it the biggest tyre manufacturer in the world

  2000年,レゴ社は306百万個もタイヤを生産し,世界で最大手のタイヤメーカーになった (October)

If placed end-to-end all LEGO sets sold during the past 10 years would stretch from London, UK to Perth, Australia

  過去10年間に売られたレゴブロックを並べると,ロンドンからパース(オーストラリア)まで届く has more than 3 million visitors every month - each spending an average of 48.5 minutes exploring the site は毎月300万人が訪れる.平均閲覧時間は48.5分.

The largest model at LEGOLAND Windsor is the Technosaurus created using in excess of one million LEGO bricks. And the smallest? Probably a pigeon in Trafalgar Square

  LEGOLAND Windsorでもっとも大きいモデルは1億個のブロックを使用して作られた Technosaurus
  最も小さいものは恐らくTrafalgar Squareのハト

In 2001 the LEGO Company manufactured 802.000 motorbikes

  2001年,レゴ社で製造したバイクの数は802.000台 (September)

1388 Eiffel Towers on top of each other corresponds to the height - if stacked - of all BIONICLE masks manufactured in 2001


When moulding LEGO bricks the tolerance of accuracy is 2/1000 of a millimetre


The moulding tool for the LEGO tractor (1951) cost 32.000 Danish Crowns. At the time, a real tractor cost half approx. 15.000 Danish Crowns.


In 1990, the word LEGO was accepted in The Oxford Concise Dictionary (8th edition).


When Korean mountaineer Young Ho climbed the peak of Mount Everest in 1987, he left behind a LEGO model in the snow.

  1987年,韓国の登山家 Young Ho がエベレストに登頂したときに,レゴブロックを雪の中に残した.

327 billion LEGO elements have been moulded since 1949.

  1949年から327億個のレゴパーツが成型されている (May)
  注意: データが古い(?)


  the big picture - kidsKORNER - Did you know?
  LEGO(R) - The Greatest Toy Ever - LEGO Facts