; ANSI color definition (in the case FullColor=on)
; * UseTextColor should be off, or the background and foreground color of
; VTColor are assigned to color-number 0 and 7 respectively, even if
; they are specified in ANSIColor.
; * ANSIColor is a set of 4 values that are color-number(0--15),
; red-value(0--255), green-value(0--255) and blue-value(0--255).
; (改行無しで入力)
ANSIColor=0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,128,128,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,0,0,0, \
9,255,0,0, 10,0,255,0, 11,255,255,0, 12,128,128,255, 13,255,0,255, 14,0,255,255, 15,255,255,255