サーバの状態を10分毎にモニターしてくれるサービス "Montastic" [2006-02-11-1] に有償サービスが加わり、無償サービスの内容が変更になった。
Subject: Important changes to your Montastic account
Dear Montastic user,
We have glad to announce a major upgrade to our website monitoring service.
Free accounts have been upgraded to allow monitor intervals down to 30 minutes. We also added paying plans that allow monitoring down to every 5 minutes.
The maximum number of servers in the free plan is set to 3. If you have more than 3, please know that there are still listed in your account but only 3 are monitored. Login to select which one you want to be monitored.
If you have not logged in recently to change this, all your servers are set to be monitored every 6 hours.
You can login to your account to change this at anytime.
Thank you for using Montastic.
The Montastic Team.
Montastic: the free website monitoring service