
カテゴリ : FatWire

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FatWire ContentServerの予約語

変数名 説明
tablename Required in multiple CATALOGMANAGER and ics:catalogmananager commands and some XML tags.
pagename Required input to the ContentServer servlet.
ftcmd Required input to CatalogManager.
username Session variable for user names.
currentACL Session variable for the ACL list of the current user.
currentUser Session variable for the user id.
evalpage Required input to evalserver.
empty Sets an empty string, use the built in XML tag CS.EMPTY instead.
errno Current or last error code.
null Set to one blank, deprecated.
c Asset type name.
cid Asset ID.
cv Reserved for future use.
p Parent page asset's ID.
rendermode Render mode of the asset.
ZPostedRawDataBytes This variable holds the binary bytes that are part of an HTTP request.